Friday, 13 November 2009

Coming up - Naum Gabo and Florian Roithmeyer at The Russian Club Gallery, Opening Wednesday 18th November 6.30-9pm.

The Directors of The Russian Club Gallery seem to be very much of the ‘cats in a sack’ school of curating. I.e., they take two artists (or ‘cats’) put them together in a space (or, ‘sack’) and then step back see what happens. The artists, working together, either create new works or modify old ones, to develop a joint show. There are two possible outcomes (and yes, I am going to continue my ‘cat’ analogy to express them): a whirring mass of blood and fur, or kittens.

Neither outcome is particularly conventional, but they are both, in their own ways, pretty exciting.

Naum Gabo and Florian Roithmeyer promises to be even more interesting than usual, however, as in this case one of the main collaborators is dead, and the work which is being shown in the exhibition is in no way representative of the rest of his oeuvre. Roithmeyer, an adorable softly spoken German, is ‘responding’ to a drawing by the famous … Gabo, who is best known for …. The outcome looks set to take the form of a zig-zagging fold out book, which will cut delicately across the gallery space. As a big fan of both Gabo, and the ‘pop-up’ school of literature (why aren’t there more pop-up books for grown ups?), I’m excited to see what this entails….

Naum Gabo and Florian Roithmeyer at The Russian Club Gallery, Opening Wednesday 18th November 6.30-9pm.

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